Season1 title card

Celebrity Has Been Danceoff title card from Season 1

Celebrity Has-Been Danceoff is in a appearance in Guitar Hero 3:Legends of Rock in the 8th Career Animated Cutscene after you beat Cult of Personality.The Characters Appear  with clothes.The Band wears clothes that has bowties in the purple spotlight that the girl wears a purple gown that the boy reaches his hand by holding the girl because the guy is next to the bassist.

Theme Song Lyrics

     The Singer: We are doing some singing today, but pink is still my color.
     The Drummer: Yeah, we can do it for happy happy happy fun.
    Klay Beacon: Thank god we're going to do it....
    The Bassist/The Drummer: We will, how?
    The Singer: With the help of this.....
    (switches to their pink and purple tuxedos)
     The Singer: (singing) We are the one and only band,
      The Drummer: We know we can count on you,
      The Bassist: Everything we can be,
       TV News Reporter: We know we can be friends,
        The Singer/The Drummer: We are here to be...
       The Bassist and Video Shoot Guy: Anything that we want to be,
       Mitch: But we all we need is your help,
       All: Let's see what dance off we can make!
       The Singer: Celebrities with you,
       Bunny: Means 300 paw printed clues,
       The Drummer: (spoken) That's right, funny bunny,
      "Have They Sold Out" Car Driver: There must have been a million!
       The Singer: Where's Blue?
        Klay Beacon: Where's Blue?
       The Singer: Celebrity Has Been Danceoff!
      Kaiju Megadome monsters: Celebrity,Celebrity, Celebrity, Celebrity....
      The Singer: Has Been Danceoff, yeah yeah!

(everyone cheers and crowd applause)


The singer and his friends of the show

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